Customer Testimonials

HPCwire Customer Testimonials

HPCwire Customer Testimonials


Since 1986, HPCwire has been a trusted partner serving the global HPC community. HPCwire is dedicated to providing our audience with the most accurate information they need in order to make the best-informed decisions on emerging trends, technologies, and strategic direction. Hear what business, industry, and technology leaders have to say about their experiences working with HPCwire.

Tabor Communications is such a vital part of the HPC community, it really serves a new axis for forming relationships forming partnerships with vendors, with users, with policy makers, across the HPC bus system.
Addison Snell
CEO, INTERSECT360 Research
This conference seeks to foster and grow strategic relationships, a valuable resource for fintech leaders who are ever challenged to do more with less
Ryan Quick
Thank you so much Tom for hosting an amazing event. Definitely one of the best I've attended! Cheers! ~ regarding HPC & AI on WS, NYC
Steve Lister
CTO High Performance Computing and Data Analytics Platforms, Markley Group
Finding innovative disruption before it exists is a great reason to attend HPC and AI Wall Street. Disruption has always and will always drive the capital markets
Sagar Gaikwad
HPCwire is one of the few organizations that actually effectively and in detail covers the HPC marketplace. There are very few people who do that and I can’t think of anyone else who has the history, legacy and the depth that HPCwire has in that realm.
Peter Ffoulkes
Principal, Longstone Consulting
I think a Readers’ Choice Award should go to HPCwire. As far as I know, you guys are the oldest continuously publishing newsletter in the HPC world. Also, I believe you are the most respected. This certainly qualifies you to be recognized for the contributions you have made by keeping people aware of the state of the technology and the discussions (sometimes contentious) you have enabled.
Alex Larzelere
President of Larzelere & Associates LLC, Senior Fellow at Council at Competitiveness
I have always been impressed by the way HPCwire runs its Readers’ & Editors’ Choice Awards. They apply their own ‘jeweler’s eye’ to select the most important trends and exciting new technologies, but balance that with a democratic vote by the HPC community about where things are going.” HPCwire provides their own thought leadership, side-by-side with a careful journalistic assessment of the views of everyone who cares about and follows HPC.
John Gustafson
winner of the 1988 inaugural Gordon Bell Prize, namesake of Gustafson’s law and SC Perennial
Thank you for another wonderful event. I enjoy being able to one-stop-shop multiple vendors, learn about new ones, and especially absorb all sorts of new information from industry thought leaders. This would honestly take weeks of my time to accomplish separately throughout the year on my own.
Arden Anderson
Manager of Design Analysis Group & Technical Specialist in Computational Analysis, Mercury Marine and Brunswick
I almost can’t remember a day where there wasn’t a Tabor Communications. It has been around for so long and has been this journalistic centerpiece of the whole community. It has actually tied together the whole community going back to the days where it was a paper publication. Tom was as far ahead in the journalism area as the companies are in the Supercomputing area.
John Gustafson
winner of the 1988 inaugural Gordon Bell Prize, namesake of Gustafson’s law and SC Perennial
A lot of momentum behind HPCwire, a lot of interest, that generates leads and a lot of business. Tabor Communications can take the message that we give out in a very professional way to the right target audience that we want to reach.
Eyal Waldman
CEO, Mellanox Technologies
At Cray, we’ve worked closely with HPCwire for many years and are proud that our systems and solutions, and those of our partners and visionary customers, have achieved industry recognition with past awards such as the Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards for ‘Best HPC Server Product or Technology.
Peter Ungaro
CEO, Cray
We really focus on high performing computer markets solely and so HPCwire and Tabor have just been an important part of our marketing programs for a long time not just from launching new products but also from being able to get unique messages that our company has about how we are different in the HPC market overall.
Peter Ungaro
CEO, Cray
Tom has impressed me with his visionary, he virtually knows everybody but more importantly as the CEO of our company he has a keen understanding of where HPC is going, what the important aspect of HPC, what are the important technologies, what are the important vendors, what are the right audiences.
Jeff Hyman
Group Publisher, Tabor Communications
It was a stroke of genius to have both the Reader and Editor categories, since this encouraged your readers to think about what the big breakthroughs are each year. I have been fortunate enough to be directly or indirectly involved with a number of these awards over the years. I have the awards proudly displayed in my office at Calit2. Congratulations on 15 years of the awards program, may you continue for another 15!
Larry Smarr
Founding Director of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), Professor at UC San Diego
Everybody goes to HPC wire and its sister publications also to look at what is happening and we as a vendor just need to be there, you need to be able to see our logo, our presence in the market by being present all on your web properties.
Bjorn Andersson
Senior Director of Internet of Things Marketing, Hitachi Vantara
Even going back to the early times, it was clear that HPCwire and Tabor Communications was the leader in that area (getting ideas and concepts out into the market) and helped the industry in messaging. Where people thought you know what a supercomputer is, what is a high performance computer, etc., you could always reference them to HPCwire and that benefitted the industry as a whole so it was extremely beneficial.
Steve Wallach
Co-Founder, Convey Computers
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